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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Problem with My Application BaseClass(MainFrame) Must Take Message When Theme Switcher Toolbar Butto Collapse All
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Burak Petekkaya Apr 11, 2007 - 1:14 PM


I have a visual c++ mfc application with prof-UIS.

I init Theme Switcher Toolbar on my MainFrame OnCreated Method.

I want to realize Theme Changes permanently.So,my MainFrame should take message from Theme Switcher Toolbar control.

How can my MainFrame take message when Theme Switcher Toolbar Button Clicked At Runtime?

Suhai Gyorgy Apr 12, 2007 - 1:51 AM

Go for Support’s solution, and forget about ThemeSwitcher_OnButtonInvoke.
You can’t take a message. But I guess you’d use the message to associate a message-handler with it anyway. So if you use Support’s solution on your CMainFrame, your code would look something like this:

// In .h file:
class CMainFrame
      : public CFrameWnd
      , public CExtPmBridge
      DECLARE_CExtPmBridge_MEMBERS( CMainFrame );
      virtual void PmBridge_OnPaintManagerChanged(
            CExtPaintManager * pGlobalPM
      . . .

// In .cpp file:

      PmBridge_Install(); // Subscribe

      PmBridge_Uninstall(); // Unsubscribe

void CMainFrame::PmBridge_OnPaintManagerChanged(
      CExtPaintManager * pGlobalPM
      // place code here that you’d like to put in you message-handler

      //call base class method to have the theme changed
So PmBridge_OnPaintManagerChanged method could act like your message-handler method.