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Alex Pag
Nov 11, 2009 - 1:55 AM
Hi. You can show me one sample how i can set and load one column(cell) in BoundGridControl as combobox element.
Alex Pag
Nov 13, 2009 - 12:35 AM
Hi. Thanks for sample...I found problem.... if i add columns in InitializeComponent() procedure then combo box cells load data , but if i try add columns some other procedure or function then combo box cells not load data... DataTable Group = new DataTable(); Group= DataBaseServer.GetTable("tblGroup"); this.lvwContacts.Columns.AddRange(new Elegant.Ui.Grid.Column[] { Group});
Technical Support
Nov 16, 2009 - 1:12 PM
Thank you. We will look into this problem and fix it in the next version.
Alex Pag
Nov 12, 2009 - 12:06 AM
DataTable Stores = new DataTable(); the grid control not show me in column ’Store’ all stores if i press button for drop down list. Show me only one store name from ’myCustomersTable’ table... What can i do ?
Technical Support
Nov 12, 2009 - 7:13 AM
We prepared a sample project that illustrates the usage of combo-box cells. Please download it from this website. Here is the correct link.
Alex Pag
Nov 11, 2009 - 11:58 PM
Hi. i show you my code... 1 - this is my column Stores = DataBaseServer.GetTable("tblStores", "StoreName", "", ""); Store.CellStyles.AddRange(new Elegant.Ui.Grid.CellStyle[] { comboboxCellStyle });
Store.DataPropertyName = "StoreName";
Store.FillWeight = 100.8155F;
Store.HeaderText = "Store";
Store.MappingDataSource = myStores;
Store.MappingDisplayDataMember = "StoreName";
Store.MappingValueDataMember = "StoreID";
Store.CellType = typeof(ComboBoxCell); 2 - this is my grid control lvwContacts.Columns.AddRange(new Elegant.Ui.Grid.Column[] {
Store}); 3 - DataTable myCustomersTable = new DataTable() myCustomersTable = DataBaseServer.GetTable("Customers");
lvwContacts.DataSource = myCustomersTable;
Technical Support
Nov 11, 2009 - 8:05 PM
To make all the cells in the specified column of a combo-box type set a Column.CellType property like as follows:
column1.CellType = typeof(ComboBoxCell);