I have a MDI form application that allows me to populate multiple BoundGridControls from the same source with different data depending on user selections. Each grid is in it’s own form. Each form is in a dockable panel using a third party DLL.
I can open up multiple instances of the datagrid and can dock these forms or have them as floating forms.
I can successfully drag and drop (D&D) rows within a grid and can also D&D them between seperate grids regardless of their docked state. It currently allows single rows or multi selected rows and both work successfully.
However, when I perfom the D&D across the grids column headers (e.g. one grid is docked within my parent form above another grid) then as soon as the DragLeave event fires as it hits the column header, the cursor turns to an illegal action cursor and remains that way until the D&D enters back into the source grid. Unfortunately at that time the D&D events seem to have been killed. This includes those in other instances of grids and in effect we can no longer perform any D&Ds.
I can only assume that something like the AllowDrop property of the column headers row is interupting our event subscriptions.
As we do not require the ability to re-order columns or D&D into/from them is there anything we can do to stop it killking our D&D actions?
We set our column headers dynamically and at that point I have tried setting various properties but none make any productive difference.
//ctlOveriddenElegantGrid1.Columns.GridControl.AllowColumnResizing = false;
//ctlOveriddenElegantGrid1.Columns.GridControl.AllowDraggingOffColumns = false;
//ctlOveriddenElegantGrid1.Columns.GridControl.AllowDrop = false;
Many thanks for any help.
//ctlOveriddenElegantGrid1.AllowDrop = false;