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eric rovelto
Nov 11, 2010 - 6:51 AM
I can’t deploy my apps on any computer. It keeps asking me to install into the global assembly cashe, How do I do this? I am using vb 2010.
Technical Support
Nov 11, 2010 - 11:39 AM
You should not forget to include the following components: Elegant.Ui.Common.dll, Elegant.Ui.Ribbon.dll and one or more assemblies containing visual theme information. For instance, if you use the Office 2010Blue (by default) theme you must also include Elegant.Ui.Common.Theme.Office2010Blue.dll and Elegant.Ui.Ribbon.Theme.Office2010Blue.dll assemblies. The same way you should supply other assemblies if you also use different visual themes. All these files you can find in the Elegant Ui installation folder. If you have any further questions with this, do not hesitate to contact us.