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Anton Maroukha
Jan 17, 2008 - 7:12 AM
Hi, I’ve downloaded an evalution version 2.2 of Elegant Ribbon. Among others there is a control named NavigationBar. In its description it’s written: "Represents a control that allows the user to navigate between content sections".
Is there some more detailed of this control. What I managed to do is to add buttons and separators between them - as I understood in such way the sections are created. Is there some more functionality in this control. I actualy need a control which will provide sliding sections with some other controls in them.
Technical Support
Jan 17, 2008 - 9:30 AM
This control is designed to be simple and it can be used when you need options dialogs, property pages and so on. You can regard it as a tab control with a richer view. So this control doesn’t support any sections, sliding, etc. The features you are talking about are more suitable for a control like Toolbox and OutlookBar. These controls provide expandable sections functionality only, any control can be placed into a section (for example, a NavigationBar). We plan to implement these controls in next versions.
Please note that the separator control can display a text label. You can learn how to achieve this from this article. This can help you categorize buttons in a NavigationBar.