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Jan 29, 2011 - 11:04 PM
I am using v3.7 of Elegant Ribbon and v3.8 of Grid.
I have a form that has an Elegant Panel on it. Within the Elegant Panel, I have a TableLayoutPanel with three rows and one column. In the first row, I have an Elegant Label and nothing in the second row, I have an unbound grid in the third row. I made the TableLayoutPanel BackColor the same color as the Panel ForeColor using the following code:
’Make the TableLayoutPanel BackColor the same color as the Panel ForeColor.
Dim ElegantControlSkin As Elegant.Ui.ControlSkin = Nothing
Dim PanelForeColor As Color = Color.Empty
If Elegant.Ui.SkinManager.TryGetSkin("Panel", ElegantControlSkin) Then PanelForeColor = ElegantControlSkin.GetPaintInformation(Elegant.Ui.ControlState.Normal).ForegroundColor
End If
tblLayoutPanel.BackColor = PanelForeColor
When I launch the form, it looks like the following. Any ideas?
Technical Support
Jan 31, 2011 - 3:08 AM
It seems that you set the TableLayoutPanel background color to Color.Empty. You should inherit from TableLayoutPanel as follows: public class MyTableLayoutPanel : TableLayoutPanel
public MyTableLayoutPanel()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
Technical Support
Jan 31, 2011 - 3:11 AM
Then you need to set the MyTableLayoutPanel.BackColor property to Color.Transparent. This should solve the problem.