I made certain tests for speed in grid and I see that they is very I am late with the way that I make. what I can make in order to I improve the speed in grid
5000 records - 10 seconds in order to present him
10000 records - 29 seconds in order to present him
50000 records - 7 minuts and 33 seconds in order to present him
this is my code
int LocRecordCount = 10000;
Elegant.Ui.Grid.DataRow[] dr = new Elegant.Ui.Grid.DataRow[LocRecordCount];
TextCell[] cells = new TextCell[LocRecordCount];
CheckBoxCell[] Chkcells = new CheckBoxCell[LocRecordCount];
DateTimeCell[] Dtcells = new DateTimeCell[LocRecordCount];
ComboBoxCell[] Cbcells = new ComboBoxCell[LocRecordCount];
for (int i = 0; i < LocRecordCount ; i++)
dr[i] = myGridControl1.NewDataRow();
cells[i] = (TextCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(TextCell), myGridControl1.Columns[0]);
cells[i].DisplayValue = "some text";
cells[i] = (TextCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(TextCell), myGridControl1.Columns[1]);
cells[i].DisplayValue = i.ToString();
cells[i] = (TextCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(TextCell), myGridControl1.Columns[2]);
cells[i].DisplayValue = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
cells[i] = (TextCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(TextCell), myGridControl1.Columns[3]);
cells[i].DisplayValue = "not editable text";
cells[i] = (TextCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(TextCell), myGridControl1.Columns[4]);
cells[i].DisplayValue = "1.00";
Chkcells[i] = (CheckBoxCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(CheckBoxCell), myGridControl1.Columns[5]);
Chkcells[i].DisplayValue = (i % 2 == 0 ? true : false);
Dtcells[i] = (DateTimeCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(DateTimeCell), myGridControl1.Columns[6]);
Dtcells[i].DisplayValue = DateTime.Now;
Cbcells[i] = (ComboBoxCell)dr[i].AddNewCell(typeof(ComboBoxCell), myGridControl1.Columns[7]);
Cbcells[i].MappingDataSource = myTableStatusChoice;
Cbcells[i].MappingDisplayDataMember = "Name";
Cbcells[i].MappingValueDataMember = "ID";
Cbcells[i].DisplayValue = myTableStatusChoice.Rows[j][1];