Version 3.7 - July 20, 2010
Release Notes
Version 3.7 is a major release with a number of new controls and improvements.
What's New
- Added a BackstageView control (see screenshot). The feature is beta.
- Added a Slider control (see screenshot).
- Added a MessageBox control (see screenshot).
- Added a PictureBox control (see screenshot).
- Added a ScreenTipData.ImageScaleMode property that specifies the way the image is scaled inside a screen tip.
- Added a FlatStyle property for button-based controls (Button, Drop-Down, Split, Slider, Toggle) to provide a flat style for controls put into the Backstage View.
- Added a Ribbon.AllowCloseFormOnApplicationButtonDoubleClick property that specifies if the application button is allowed to close the form on double click.
- Now you can change the visual theme at design mode. Just drag-and-drop the ThemeSelector component from the toolbox and select a theme in it (see screenshot).
- Improved memory usage.
- Improved the framework performance and rendering quality in RTL mode.
Bug Fixes
- Command associated with a ribbon group's dialog launcher button did not work.
- A ribbon tab page, when used in auto-hide mode, was shown on a wrong monitor in multi-monitor environment.
- Ribbon was not drawn correctly if the monitor was wider than 4096 pixels.
- Status bar was not drawn correctly in cases when its parent form was too wide.
- Maximized form with a ribbon overlapped the taskbar.
- Hidden tab pages could be selected on mouse wheel.
- ComboBox, when used with a data source, threw a NullReference exception in some cases.
- Dropdown list of a ComboBox, when used with a data source, was populated in invalid order.
- ContextMenu in some cases showed itself on a wrong monitor in a multi monitor environment.
- NavigationBar.PressedToggleButtonChanged event occurred when the NavigationBar.PressedToggleButton property had not actually been changed yet.
- Several issues with a popup menu in the designer.
- Text in the title bar was painted over the Minimize button if it was too long and the Maximize and/or Minimize buttons were disabled.
- PreviewXXX events did not occur for controls with mouse capture.