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Sep 6, 2007 - 1:45 AM
hi my questions concern common controls, under VC++ 2005 / MFC.
about input: - does CExtEdit manage formatted input ? (such as phone nb etc.) - does it manage other formats like money / float / integers (with respect of country formats) ?
about databinding: - may I bind a combobox layout as well as a data grid to an OLEDB recordset ? - may I bind common controls to an OLEDB recordset ?
Do you have some samples about data binding (other than AdoRecordsetView) ?
Technical Support
Sep 6, 2007 - 11:50 AM
At the moment, there is no such a control in Prof-UIS. We plan to add it in the release that comes after the next release scheduled for September.
As for the binding support, please turn on the Database Support in the application wizard when creating the form view application so the wizard will help you create a project with controls that support binding to some table.