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tarou iiyama
Sep 25, 2006 - 11:33 PM
This program does not use CView. A program uses CDC. Will this be because an interlocking movement with CFrame+CView and Prof-UIS is bad?
Technical Support
Sep 27, 2006 - 12:47 PM
We prefer not to use the document/view architecture if there is no strong reason for using it. The GLViews sample does save/load any data like editable documents. It simply shows a 3D scene in three static view windows: one is created instead of SDI child view window and two other inside resizable control bars. It is possible to re-code this sample using the document/view architecture or Prof-UIS dynamic resizable control bars with dynamic number of view windows and there are no collisions between cross-thread communication/synchronization algorithms and document/view architecture.