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anil vyas
May 3, 2007 - 5:09 AM
Hi, I am trying to create 2 menu’s dynamically using g_nMsgPrepareOneMenuLevel.OnExtMenuPrepareOneLevel.The menu’s are created successfully. Now I want that my menu items should be seen as command item in customize dialog box, but I am able to add only the first menu item as command item. Also, when I dragged this menu item as toolbar the toolbar caption takes the name of the caption which I provided in caption box in resource editor, not which I replaced through my code. I want that all menu items which I created dynamically should be added as command item in customize dialog box and can be added as toolbar button in my application.
Technical Support
May 3, 2007 - 12:17 PM
There are several overloaded CExtCustomizeSite::CategoryUpdate() methods which allow you to put command items into existing or new command categories displayed in the customize dialog.
Suhai Gyorgy
May 3, 2007 - 6:23 AM
Just a guess. I’ve read this in Help: "If the pop-up menu has been modified, the pData->m_bMenuChanged property should be set to true by the OnExtMenuPrepare() method." I know it talks about OnExtMenuPrepare and not OnExtMenuPrepareOneLevel, but I think the same should be done here as well.