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Gil Ross
Apr 16, 2008 - 12:36 PM
My name is Gil Ross and I work for Russ Berman at Velocity11. We just upgraded from Prof-UIS 2.52 to Prof-UIS 2.82. When I run the test_page_sheet test app in the debugger, I receive a debug assertion. This problem occurs when LoadBMP_Resource is called with a sResourceID of 0x0000777e and a resource type of 0x00000002. It seems that it cannot find the bitmap. Below is the call stack at the time of the assertion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. mfc80d.dll!AfxGetResourceHandle() Line 24 + 0x1e bytes C++
mfc80d.dll!AfxFindResourceHandle(const char * lpszName=0x0000777e, const char * lpszType=0x00000002) Line 239 + 0x5 bytes C++
ProfUIS282md.dll!CExtResourceManager::FindResourceHandle(const char * strResourceType=0x00000002, unsigned int nResourceName=0x0000777e, unsigned short * p_wLangIdOut=0x00000000, HRSRC__ * * p_hResourceOut=0x00000000) Line 4975 + 0xd bytes C++
> ProfUIS282md.dll!CExtBitmap::LoadBMP_Resource(const char * sResourceID=0x0000777e, const char * sResourceType=0x00000002, HINSTANCE__ * hInst=0x00000000, bool bMake32=false, bool bEnableThrowException=false) Line 1312 + 0x28 bytes C++
ProfUIS282md.dll!CExtPaintManager::CExtPaintManager() Line 731 + 0x1b bytes C++
ProfUIS282md.dll!CExtPaintManager::CreateObject() Line 206 + 0x66 bytes C++
mfc80d.dll!CRuntimeClass::CreateObject() Line 142 + 0x8 bytes C++
ProfUIS282md.dll!CExtPaintManager::CExtPaintManagerAutoPtr::InstallPaintManager(CRuntimeClass * pRtcPaintManager=0x01080d3c) Line 1595 + 0x8 bytes C++
test_page_sheet.exe!CTestApp::CTestApp() Line 32 + 0x1e bytes C++