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Lester Oidka
Jan 18, 2009 - 11:37 AM
I found bug-like thing in profuis. We use Luna Blue 2 for the application interface and we wanted to have the gui to be the same in Vista and XPs. It works (took some time to adjust Luna Blue - the parametr m_bNcFrameImpl_IsDwmBased = false was almost impossible to find) but I came across another bug. When I change my windows theme settings as seen on picture
the programs actually looks like this (sample app):
it looks the same when I change the paint manager class
if I change color of the controls (on the first window click the ok button, set another color) to other color than white, it’s drawn fine...
Lester Oidka
Jan 21, 2009 - 5:09 AM
nope - dynamic use
when I change the time during runtime it turns out to be fine but for my settings it really looks like on the picture it seems to be really collor-based issue - for different colors it works fine!
btw. - I work with profuis for quite some time now :)
Technical Support
Jan 19, 2009 - 1:12 PM
We can guess you are using Prof-UIS as a static library and you forgot to include Prof-UIS resources into the .rc2 file of your project.