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Gregor Jasny
Mar 13, 2007 - 2:30 AM
I’ve got the impression that automatically linking the ProfUIs dll slows down the compilation process. Is it really necessary to do this with every object file? I’m using the ProfUIS263md configuration.
Thanks, Gregor
Technical Support
Mar 13, 2007 - 9:01 AM
The best way to include Prof-UIS is to do this in StdAfx.h. Please make sure that precompiled headers are used in all the .cpp files and StdAfx.cpp generates a precompiled header database. If this is not configured correctly, Prof-UIS.h will be included the same number of times as the StdAfx.h file and the files in your project will be compiled slowly. You can easily check if the precompiled headers are used: "Automatically linking ..." should appear only once. Otherwise, it will appear each time a source file is compiled.