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Jase Wolfe
Jul 25, 2008 - 8:10 AM
I’m trying to add themed scroll bars to a tree control using CExtNCSB template class. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but I’m getting a C2504 error : base class undefined. In my header file I am declaring the class as such: class CTreeCtrlTT : public CExtNCSB < CTreeCtrl > That’s the only place that I’m putting any reference to the CExtNCSB template class. I’m not sure what else needs to be done for this to work.
Technical Support
Jul 25, 2008 - 11:48 AM
Please double click on the text line with C2504 error description in the Visual Studio’s Output window. The source code file will be opened and the cursor will be set to the line of code where the compiler come across this error. We need to take a look at this source code line. We suspect you may have specified the parent class name incorrectly in some method of your tree control class. This can be:
1) Incorrect explicit invocation of parent class constructor. Parent class constructor name is CExtNCSB < CTreeCtrl > . Not CExtNCSB . And not CTreeCtrl .
2) Incorrect parent class name specification during invocation of the parent class method. Parent class method invocations should look like CExtNCSB < CTreeCtrl > :: MethodName() . Not CExtNCSB::MethodName() . But can be CTreeCtrl::MethodName() .