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Dirk lindner
Oct 6, 2009 - 3:12 AM
Hello, i have a problem with the Internationalization of the line edit. If i use a English Operation System(XP) and set the language via g_ResourceManager->SetLangIdDesired( __EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_GERMAN ); the right click menu of the edit control will be always shown in english. You can see the same effect in the skinable example with a German Operation System(XP) The right click menu in the toolbar show German strings and is not skined .
What must i do to fix that ?
Greats Dirk Lindner
Technical Support
Oct 6, 2009 - 1:20 PM
Prof-UIS does not localize the standard ID_EDIT_*** commands. The edit control initializes and displays context menu in the CExtEditBase::OnContextMenu() method. This method assumes the command manager is already containing the localized descriptions of all the standard ID_EDIT_*** commands. If some command is not in the command manager, then the international text is provided for it. How the command can contain the standard editor commands descriptions? Most of the frame window based applications have the Edit menu with these commands and they are translated by the application developers.