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ss ss
Nov 5, 2007 - 7:34 AM
we are using your product,it is nice,but the error occur on while we change the name of dll.
Error:error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: virtual __thiscall CExtThemeSwitcherToolControlBar::~CExtThemeSwitcherToolControlBar(void)" (__imp_??1CExtThemeSwitcherToolControlBar@@UAE@XZ)
Please help to resolve the error.
Technical Support
Nov 6, 2007 - 9:03 AM
You can change the dll name in this way:
1) Change generated DLL name(s) in the linker settings of the appropriate configuration(s) in the ProfUISDLL project. 2) Change the same DLL name(s) in the ..\Prof-UIS\Include\ExtMfcDef.h file. 3) Rebuild completely both Prof-UIS and your project.