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Nitin Gahlaut
Aug 19, 2010 - 5:51 AM
How can I get the index of a current sorted column and type of sorting (Ascending/descending) in the Grid. I am using "CDRReportGridWnd" class for grids.
Please send me some sample code if possible because I did this at my end by it is not working correctly.
Technical Support
Aug 19, 2010 - 10:30 AM
The CExtReportGridWnd::ReportSortOrderGet() method returns a reference to the CExtReportGridSortOrder object which describes the sorting and grouping rules applied to the report grid control. The CExtReportGridWnd::ReportSortOrderSet() method allows you to set sorting and/or grouping rules programmatically. Please note the if you are using grouping by one or more columns, then the report grid is sorted by these columns.