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Yi Zheng
Dec 20, 2006 - 9:52 AM
I call AutoHideModeSet to enable auto hide mode. I set 4 CExControlbars in auto hide mode. But I want one of them display when application start. How to display the CExControlbar just like the mouse click the title button? I have try the Cwn:ShowWindow , but it seems create another window to show and cannot Autohide.
Thanks BR Zheng Yi
Technical Support
Dec 21, 2006 - 12:00 PM
You can send the WM_COMMAND message to the main frame window and specify the bar’s identifier in WPARAM message parameter: CMainFrame * pMainFrame = . . .
CExtControlBar * pBar = . . .
pMainFrame->PostMessage( WM_COMMAND, WPARAM( pBar->GetDlgCtrlID() ) );
Suhai Gyorgy
Dec 21, 2006 - 2:03 AM
Somewhere in Prof-UIS FAQ I read this: "If you have dockable toolbars in a CFrameWnd-based application, do not use ShowWindow of CWnd because, when a toolbar gets displayed/hidden, this affects the layout of other windows. Just use CFrameWnd::ShowControlBar instead". Although this sentence talks about toolbars, I think the same goes for the dockable controlbars as well. So just try using ShowControlBar( pMyControlBar, true, true);