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mol la
Nov 12, 2007 - 1:19 AM
Hi, I found a small problem. And I’m not sure that whether it’s bug or not. The problem is when I click maximize button, the window would be maximized. But the border of frame window isn’t hide. In that state, if I click close button, the message box is shown and window size is grown. So, the border is hiden. ( In fact, I added some code whether to close the window. )
The problem is when the border is shown or not. How can I hide the border when I maximized entire window?
I’m waiting for your helpful answers.
Technical Support
Nov 12, 2007 - 11:14 AM
What version are you using? In the latest version 2.81 we made some changes in the code that correspond to windows maximize operation so we would ask you to test your project with the latest version. You can also send us some test project which demonstrates the problem or try to repeat it with one of our samples.
mol la
Nov 13, 2007 - 1:01 AM
Oh, I forgot something. After adding codes that show MessageBox, run it on your computer. And click Maximize button. Then window will be maximized. At that moment click close button, and you’ll see the window is wider than before.
Thank you very much if you give me correct answer and solutions.
mol la
Nov 13, 2007 - 12:51 AM
The problem is same in version 2.81. Simply you can test it yourself. Create new MFC Application project with SDI. Add WM_CLOSE Event handler to the CMainFrame. Add some codes that shows MessageBox. When it appears, the width and height is grow.
I’ll wait your answers. Regard.