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Emmanuel Verguet
Sep 5, 2006 - 4:13 AM
Hi, In my MDI application, using g_ResourceManager, if I open a document and close it immediatly, my CExtMenuControlBar becomes empty (no entry menu anymore). If I run my application, change current language to another one (so calling SetLangIdDesired and ResetLocalizedResources), open a document and close it immediatly, my CExtMenuControlBar is correct (entry menu are presents). Do you have any clue of what is happening ?
Technical Support
Sep 5, 2006 - 12:02 PM
We need more details about your project. The source code of the main frame or your test project would be helpful.
Emmanuel Verguet
Sep 6, 2006 - 6:29 AM
It is a huge application I’m trying to convert using Prof-UIS. It would be a lot of work to isolate the essential source code. I would have expected some clues, of why I need to call to ResetLocalizedResources() to not have my main menu (no document opened) empty after closing all my documents.
I can try to debug your source code to understand what is happening. Which method is called when a CDocument is closed, or where can I set a breakpoint when CMainFrame menu is changed ?
Technical Support
Sep 8, 2006 - 2:48 AM
The CExtMenuControlBar::_UpdateMenuBar() internal virtual method is invoked to re-build menu bar’s buttons. We can help you fix the problem by connecting to your desktop and debugging the project remotely if the problem persists.