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Sergio Buonanno
Dec 29, 2006 - 12:05 PM
I really need you help. About the MDI TAB control. If a MessageBox is shown after an MDI child window is created but before it is shown (after calling CMDIChildWnd::Create, but before calling ShowWindow to show it), the TAB control doesn’t work anymore. It fails in _RecalcLayoutImpl() because nVisibleNo != m_nVisibleItemCount at line 3154 of exttabwnd.cpp. Prof-UIS ver. 2.52 hadn’t this problem. I cannot fix this problem without your help.
Technical Support
Dec 30, 2006 - 2:13 PM
We fixed the crash problem when displaying message boxes or modal dialogs from MDI child frame’s OnCreate() method or document’s OnNewDocument() virtual method. Please download the update (2.63.1) from our download page.
Sergio Buonanno
Jan 2, 2007 - 9:58 AM
I downloaded Prof-UIS 2.63.1, but the bug is still present. if I create a MDI child window without the WS_VISIBLE style and, before calling ShowWindow to show the MDI child I call MessageBox or I display another window (not an MDI child), Prof-UIS fails with the ASSERT I described in my first post and the TABs disappear, the same problem seems to appear in the case I destroy a MDI child window and I display a message box inside the WM_DESTROY message handler. I don’t know if it could be of any help, but in my application the span between the call to CMDIChildWnd::Create and that to ShowWindow can last 6-8 seconds and even more in some cases. The same is for state serialization; a problem I submitted to you days ago. It looks like Prof-UIS 2.63.1 doesn’t fix the problem of backward compatibility in case I serialize application state on a CArchive object instead of the System Registry. I mean, Prof-UIS 2.63.1 fails to load the state saved by Prof-UIS 2.62.