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Eugene Wineblat
Aug 30, 2006 - 10:01 AM
I have class CMainFrame : public CExtNCW < CFrameWnd >
I need to make customizable ncbuttons ( Maximize, Minimize, Close ). Independetly. Window styles don’t give that : When Close is disabled no other ncbutton is enabled. I found that CExtNCW inherited from CExtNcFrameImpl which responsible for ncbutton (have their rects and paint them).
I ovveride function NcFrameImpl_PreWindowProc where the painting is executed: ... case WM_NCPAINT: { if( NcFrameImpl_IsForceEmpty() ) break; .... NcFrameImpl_ReCacheScButtonRects(); // ncbuttons size and pos from PaintManager - non-overridable function
// 3 rows for ncbutton customization if ( m_bHideClose ) m_rcNcFrameImpl_ScClose.SetRectEmpty (); if ( m_bHideMinimize ) m_rcNcFrameImpl_ScMinimize.SetRectEmpty (); if ( m_bHideMaximize ) m_rcNcFrameImpl_ScMaximize.SetRectEmpty (); .....
Question: Does my variant only one possible or you can offer me some more useful variant than copy/paste of your code, which can be overwritten later by prof-uis team?
Technical Support
Aug 31, 2006 - 9:41 AM
Your solution is acceptable and a better solution can only be available if we modify the source code of CExtNcFrameImpl .