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Stephane Leger
May 13, 2010 - 7:11 AM
Hi Team,<o:p></o:p> I need some help on this problem. I created an SDI application based on your DynamicBars. I implemented a plugin framework to create my entire Dynamic control bar childs in regular DLL using MFC. Everything works very well until yesterday when I tried to add a WebBrowser in a child dialog. If I keep my child dilaog heritance with the CDialog everything works fine. When I change it to the CExtResizableDialog the ColeControlSite is not created and the application crashed in the CWnd::ShowWindow when calling on the m_pCtrlSite->ShowWindoW(nCmdShow)<o:p></o:p> I debug it and found that the CreateSite(COleControlContainer* pCrtlCont) in my CCustomOccManager is not called when I used your dialog but it is called when I used the CDialog. I am not sure but I think that something is missing in your CResDlg implementation or I missed something. Do you have some suggestion because I started with the webbrowser but I am sure I will have to use more ActiveX in the future? Thanks. Stephane.
Technical Support
May 21, 2010 - 7:35 AM
We received your e-mail and replied it.
Technical Support
May 16, 2010 - 1:14 PM
We inserted a web browser into CExtResizableDialog -based window without any problems and compiled the following test project with Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Studio 2008:
Did you invoke the AfxEnableControlContainer() API in the InitInstance() virtual method of the CWinApp -derived class in your project?
Stephane Leger
May 19, 2010 - 1:36 PM
Yes I invoked it. I found the problem and I modified your test program to reproduce it. I am sending it to you by E-mail to both account:; Thank you again for your Help. Stephane.