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steven frierdich
Feb 1, 2007 - 12:16 PM
The static Prof-UIS 2.54 lib is crashing all the time in an MFC project that connect to MFC in a statick library. No matter where it crashes it alway ENDS at the same place in the call stack window OpalViewer_d.exe!CPaintDC::~CPaintDC() Line 1103 C++ OpalViewer_d.exe!CDC::Detach() Line 122 C++ OpalViewer_d.exe!CHandleMap::RemoveHandle(void * h=0x820114f2) Line 218 + 0x1a bytes C++
Usually preceeding this is either method calls in the CExtButton Class, or the CextToolControlBar class or some other prosys class. When I compiled Prof-UIS 2.54 as a MBCS Dll I never had any problem. But when I compiled it as a static lib and and change the exe settings as stated above the library is crashing all over the place and randomly.
Is there something I am missing when trying to use this the Prof-UIS static lib in an exe that is link to MFC in static library.
Suhai Gyorgy
Feb 2, 2007 - 4:17 AM