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Mediatime Conseil
May 25, 2010 - 6:48 AM
I am using profuis 2.85, and I am using a custom skin to my appication. All my skins work correctly on windows XP and 2003 Server On Windows 7, all skins works but the title bar. I get the default title bar of Windows 7?
Is there any way to solve that?
Thank you
Technical Support
May 25, 2010 - 9:07 AM
By default, all the Prof-UIS themes which support the window non-client area skinning use the default glass based non-client area on Windows Vista and Windows 7. The skinned window non-client area is provided by the CExtNCW template class. You can set the CExtNCW::m_bNcFrameImpl_IsDwmBased flag property to false in the constructor of your CExtNCW -based class and you will see the themed window non-client area on Windows Vista and Windows 7.