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Gevork Odabashyan
Aug 28, 2006 - 11:48 AM
In my last sentence I wanted to say that if preffered language is set to Endlish (not Russian), application works correctly.
Technical Support
Aug 28, 2006 - 12:29 PM
This assert may occur if you statically link you app with Prof-UIS and forgot to include the Prof-UIS resources in your project, so the bitmap resources are not loaded. Please make sure that you included the following line in your *.rc2 file: #if ( !(defined _AFXDLL && !defined __STATPROFUIS_WITH_DLLMFC__) )
#include <Resources/Resource.rc>
#endif You can read more about this in the FAQ How to link statically with Prof-UIS?
Gevork Odabashyan
Aug 28, 2006 - 4:32 PM
Yes, I link Pfof-UIS staically and MFC to. And the lines you wrote are included in my *.rc2 file. I’m sorry, but this happens only if application runs with Russian language as preffered. All works fine if the same executable runs with English language as preffered. As far as I understand if executable stays unchanged and in case of English it works fine this means that Prof-UIS resources are linked correctly. I think it’s like CExtResourceManager can’t find Russian version of those bitmaps. Is it true or not? And if not, I have no idea...
Gevork Odabashyan
Aug 29, 2006 - 2:45 AM
Sorry, I have solved this problem. I was wrong.