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Eric Houvenaghel
Aug 15, 2006 - 1:16 PM
I have a problem to use a CExtTabPageContainerWnd class (MyTabCtrl) in a modeless dialog (MyDialog, derived from CExtResizableDialog) that should not be activated, unless i tell it. MyTabCtrl can be updated by any other dialogs, but i want actual focused dialog to stay focus, which is not the case with your CExtTabPageContainerWnd class.
Every time i’m calling PageRemoveAll() or PageInsert(), the MyTabCtrl actives the MyDialog. How can i handle that feature? I already try to filter the WM_ACTIVE message in the MyDialog::WindowProc() function, without success, like the dialog was active by another message! Even overriding the virtual CExtTabPageContainerWnd::OnTabWndSelectionChange() function or the unvirtual PageInsert() and PageRemoveAll() functions doesn’t work at all.
Technical Support
Aug 16, 2006 - 10:40 AM
The focus is gained by a selection tracking mechanism of the inner tab control inside the CExtTabPageContainerWnd window. The ::SetFocus() API is invoked in the CExtTWPC::OnTabWndSelectionChange() method. We can improve the CExtTabPageContainerWnd class and create one virtual method for adjusting the focused window when the selected tab page is changed.