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Jul 14, 2006 - 8:55 AM
We have an ActiveX control which can be displayed through IE ( Internet Explorer ) We tried to implement Prof-UIS look in the ToolBars of the ActiveX control but it is failing to Load the toolbar in IE.
We also have an EXE generated from a similar set of code. Toolbar is getting displayed properly in the EXE but not in the ActiveX.
Please let us know if Prof-UIS supports Activex, If So please let us know the procedure to implement the same. We are linking the Prof-UIS dlls to the Activex control statically.
We have
RsXToolbar class derived from CExtToolControlBar and RsXFrame class derived from CFrameWnd
We also have RsXApp class derived from COleControlModule. Please note that we havnaˆ™t added any Prof-UIS methods in initinstance of RsXApp.
RsXToolbar is added to the RsXFrame.
RsXToolbar and RsXFrame used in an EXE is working fine but not with Activex. We have done all the initialization of CommandManger in both the applications but the Activex control is failing.
Please help us out in this case ASAP, since we got stuck with the implementation.
Aug 21, 2006 - 4:22 AM
Thanks for the lib and dll.Now that our project builds successfully. But on opening our Activex Application in IE, the new ProfUIS look is not found in our application. There are no build errors or warnings..but the look is simply not getting reflected in our application when opened with IE. As I have mentioned earlier a similar application (NonActivex) runs fine now with the new look and all its functionalities, without an issues , however the Activex app is not working.Could you please help.
Technical Support
Aug 21, 2006 - 5:31 AM
Would you send us some screenshots with comments about what you want to see on them after applying Prof-UIS to your ActiveX project?
Aug 9, 2006 - 11:27 PM
The problem persists basically because while building it is not getting the ProfUIS254md-RDE.lib file , you had sent us the ProfUIS254md-RDE.dll only and not the ProfUIS254md-RDE.lib. The same build error occurs: error LNK1104: cannot open file aˆ™ProfUIS254md-RDE.libaˆ™
The project settings as I had mentioned earlier should not be a problem as our project is successfully linking to the ProfUIS libraries in the main application .Besides I also have a doubt that how can static linking be done with only a dll. Please send us the lib file also .Your suggestions would be useful for us.
Technical Support
Aug 10, 2006 - 8:40 AM
Aug 6, 2006 - 11:32 AM
Yes I had copied this dll to the C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS trial\Bin_710. folder.But probably it could not trace the file path so, Do I have to make any other changes in the project settings? Please suggest a solution.
Technical Support
Aug 7, 2006 - 10:08 AM
The solution is as follows: put both files (ProfUIS254md-RDE.dll and ProfUIS254md-RDE.lib) in the same directory. The problem is with path settings only. To learn more about how to set the paths properly, please read the article Getting Started with Prof-UIS.
Aug 3, 2006 - 11:29 PM
I am still getting the build error.
I have placed the RDE dll in the following path C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS trial\Bin_710.
Then I added the this path in my project options in the Project->VC++ Directories.
Then as you had suggested :
__PROF_UIS_FOR_REGULAR_DLL symbol in the preprocessor settings of the project and then added the following code:
CExt_ProfAuto_ModuleState::InitExtension( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );
in the CWinApp derived class.but the problem still persists.
error LNK1104: cannot open file aˆ™ProfUIS254md-RDE.libaˆ™
My project has a Use MFC in shared dll configuration.
Please help in this regard.
Technical Support
Aug 4, 2006 - 5:01 AM
The ProfUIS254md-RDE.dll file comes with ProfUIS254md-RDE.lib. Did you copy this file to the Bin_710 directory?
Jul 27, 2006 - 8:55 AM
The Library file required on linking is
error LNK1104: cannot open file ’ProfUIS254md-RDE.lib’
Then I build the PROFUISLIB.vcproj and it showed.
#pragma message(" *** You cannot compile Prof-UIS when using the evaluation version.")
I could not get the ’ProfUIS254md-RDE.lib’ file from anywhere else.
Please help in this regard.
Technical Support
Jul 27, 2006 - 9:42 AM
The trial version includes only a compiled version of the MBCS Debug configuration which you can use in the debug version of your EXE projects only. You cannot compile any configuration of Prof-UIS Trial because library source code does not come with Prof-UIS Trial (you have to buy a license to have the full source for the full Prof-UIS). We can only send you a compiled version of any other configuration if you let us know which version of Visual C++ you are using (don’t forget to specify Service Pack number if you are using Visual C++ 6.0).
Aug 1, 2006 - 11:39 PM
We are using MS Visual Studio .Net 2003(7.1). Please help in this regard.
Technical Support
Aug 2, 2006 - 8:30 AM
We sent you the requested dll by e-mail.
Technical Support
Jul 14, 2006 - 12:53 PM
You should use the RDE configuration of Prof-UIS in your ActiveX project. The RDE stands for Regular DLL Extension. The MFC ActiveX project is a kind of MFC Regular DLL project type. So, please do the following steps: 1) Define the __PROF_UIS_FOR_REGULAR_DLL symbol in the preprocessor settings of your project. This is essential so that Prof-UIS headers can distinguish which configuration of Prof-UIS library should be linked automatically with your project. 2) Add the following lines to the InitInstance() virtual method of CWinApp -derived class in your ActiveX project: CExt_ProfUIS_ModuleState::InitExtension(
); 3) If the Prof-UIS Automation Pack library is used in your project (we guess it is not), then also add the following lines: CExt_ProfAuto_ModuleState::InitExtension(
); 4) Use static linking if more than one copy of your ActiveX object can be created in scope of one running process. 5) Rebuild your project. The linker error will show which RDE configuration of Prof-UIS should be compiled before linking successfully with your ActiveX project. That’s all.