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Jul 7, 2009 - 12:42 PM
Dear team suport
I have with CExtGridCell .... I put in a CExtGridWnd with a cell type CExtGridCellCheckBox.... clicking on that cell changes perfectly "on" a "off" and places a text "Sí" and "No"
But my problem is when I press a button to read the value of that cell by means of a CExtButton always puts the same value in my case
INT MyGrid->GetCheck() = 1.
void CMyDlg::OnBnClickedButton1() { // Position cell to load ( but worth every position ) int xx = 1; int yy = 1;
CExtSafeString aa = "";
CExtGridCellCheckBox *pDataCellC = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellCheckBox, m_wndGrid.GridCellGet( xx, yy, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS( ExtGridCellCheckBox ) ) ); if( pDataCellC ) { ASSERT_VALID( pDataCellC );
aa = "false"; if( pDataCellC->GetCheck() ) <-------------- Always = 1 Why???? aa = "true";
AfxMessageBox( aa ); } }
Is there a way to read the cell value correctly outside the CExtGridWnd?
Thank you..
Jul 9, 2009 - 7:27 PM
Thank you very much for your help.
Jul 8, 2009 - 4:54 PM
Sorry I forgot to put the I initialized of cell type CExtGridCellCheckBox
to read its value pS_DatoC->ModifyStyle(
__EGCS_CHK_CHECK // tiene checkbox
|__EGCS_CHECKED // marca del check a on
|__EGCS_ICA_HORZ_CENTER // horizontal centro
|__EGCS_ICA_VERT_CENTER // vertical medio
pS_DatoC->ModifyStyle( __EGCS_NO_INPLACE_CONTROL );
pS_DatoC->SetAutoTextMode( true ); I initialized both to read and to use the same inicialize
Technical Support
Jul 8, 2009 - 10:30 AM
We suspect there is something wrong with the check box initialization code. Please show us the complete initialization code of the grid control including filling with grid cells.
Jul 8, 2009 - 3:18 PM
// Fill List values cell
void CMyGridSQL::RellenaLista( CSQLResult& res ) { SQLValueArray arrValues; CString strItemText = "", temp = ""; long lValor = 0L;
CExtGridCellString *pS_DatoS = NULL; CExtGridCellVariant *pS_DatoV = NULL; CExtGridCellCheckBox *pS_DatoC = NULL;
long nFila = 0; while( res.Fetch( arrValues, false ) ) { if( !primera ) { RowInsert( -1L );
CExtGridCell *pCellHdr = NULL; pCellHdr = GridCellGetOuterAtLeft( 0L, nFila, RUNTIME_CLASS( CExtGridCellHeader ) ); if( pCellHdr != NULL ) { ASSERT_VALID( pCellHdr ); pCellHdr->ModifyStyle( __EGCS_HDR_FOCUS_ARROW_DISPLAY |__EGCS_HDR_FOCUS_ARROW_RESERVE_SPACE | __EGCS_HDR_ROW_COLUMN_NUMBER | __EGCS_TA_HORZ_RIGHT ); } }
const int nSize = arrValues.GetSize() + 1; for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nSize; nIndex++) { if( DatosCabecera[ nIndex ].m_TipoCampo == ’L’ ) { pS_DatoV = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellVariant, GridCellGet( nIndex, nFila, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtGridCellVariant) ) ); if( pS_DatoV != NULL ) { ASSERT_VALID( pS_DatoV ); pS_DatoV->ModifyStyle( DatosCabecera[ nIndex ].m_Align, 0 );
const CSQLValue& value = arrValues.ElementAt(nIndex); pS_DatoV->_VariantAssign( (long)value, VT_I4 ); } }
if( DatosCabecera[ nIndex ].m_TipoCampo == ’S’ || DatosCabecera[ nIndex ].m_TipoCampo == ’F’ ) { pS_DatoS = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellString, GridCellGet( nIndex, nFila, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtGridCellString) ) ); if( pS_DatoS != NULL ) { ASSERT_VALID( pS_DatoS ); pS_DatoS->ModifyStyle( DatosCabecera[ nIndex ].m_Align, 0 );
const CSQLValue& value = arrValues.ElementAt(nIndex); strItemText = (LPCTSTR)value; pS_DatoS->TextSet( strItemText ); } } ///////////////////////////// // Use CExtGridCellCheckBox /////////////////////////////
if( DatosCabecera[ nIndex ].m_TipoCampo == ’E’ ) { pS_DatoC = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellCheckBox, GridCellGet( nIndex, nFila, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS( CExtGridCellCheckBox ) ) ); if( pS_DatoC != NULL ) { ASSERT_VALID( pS_DatoC );
pS_DatoC->ModifyStyle( __EGCS_NO_INPLACE_CONTROL ); pS_DatoC->SetAutoTextMode( true ); pS_DatoC->Set3StateMode( false ); pS_DatoC->LabelTextSet( 0, _T(" ") ); pS_DatoC->LabelTextSet( 1, _T("Sí") ); pS_DatoC->SetCheck( 0 ); } } ///////////////////////////// // CExtGridCellCheckBox ///////////////////////////// }
nFila++; }
if( pS_DatoC ) pS_DatoC = NULL;
if( pS_DatoV ) pS_DatoV = NULL;
if( pS_DatoS ) pS_DatoS = NULL; }
// Load Values cell
void CProveedoresForm::OnItemBorMarcados() { ASSERT_VALID( this );
CExtGridCellVariant *pS_DatoV = NULL; CExtGridCellCheckBox *pS_DatoC = NULL;
if( ::ProfUISMsgBox( GetSafeHwnd(), _T("¿Desea borrar los registros marcados?."), _T("*** AVISO ***"), _AVISO | MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return;
CExtSafeString sqlStr = ""; CExtSafeString aa = "";
for( register long nFila = 0; nFila < m_wndGrid->GetTotalFilasINT(); nFila++ ) { pS_DatoV = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellVariant, m_wndGrid->GridCellGet( 0, nFila, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtGridCellVariant) ) ); if( pS_DatoV != NULL ) { ASSERT_VALID( pS_DatoV );
pS_DatoC = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellCheckBox, m_wndGrid->GridCellGet( 10, nFila, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS( CExtGridCellCheckBox ) ) ); if( pS_DatoC != NULL ) { ASSERT_VALID( pS_DatoC );
pS_DatoC->_Initialize(); pS_DatoC->SetAutoTextMode( true );
// Try to read the value int ss = pS_DatoC->GetCheck(); pS_DatoC->TextGet( aa ); AfxMessageBox( aa );
bool bMeIsChecked = ( (dwCellStyle & __EGCS_CHECKED) != 0 ) ? true : false; <--------- Always TRUE if( bMeIsChecked ) { sqlStr.Format( _T("%s %d DELETE FROM %s WHERE Empresa = %s AND Codigo = %ld"), aa, ss, ficheroMySQL, App->m_EmpresaActiva, pS_DatoV->lVal ); // m_wndGrid->DoExecuteSQL( sqlStr ); AfxMessageBox( sqlStr ); } else { sqlStr.Format( _T("%s %d NO Codigo = %ld"), aa, ss, pS_DatoV->lVal ); AfxMessageBox( sqlStr ); }
pS_DatoC->TextGet( aa ); <--------- Always void
if( pS_DatoC->GetCheck() ) <--------- Always 1 { sqlStr.Format( _T("%s DELETE FROM %s WHERE Empresa = %s AND Codigo = %ld"), aa, ficheroMySQL, App->m_EmpresaActiva, pS_DatoV->lVal ); // m_wndGrid->DoExecuteSQL( sqlStr ); AfxMessageBox( sqlStr ); } else { sqlStr.Format( _T("%s NO Codigo = %ld"), aa, pS_DatoV->lVal ); AfxMessageBox( sqlStr ); } } } }
if( pS_DatoV ) pS_DatoV = NULL;
if( pS_DatoC ) pS_DatoC = NULL; }
Technical Support
Jul 9, 2009 - 12:12 PM
There are several lines of code like this in your code snippet:
pS_DatoV = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellVariant, GridCellGet( nIndex, nFila, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtGridCellVariant) ) );
Where nIndex is the column number. You are initializing different grid cell objects depending on some data format returned by the database query. We suspect you tried to access a check box grid cell when it’s really some other type of grid cell. Please use the following code for testing the check box cells in your grid window: //
// This string will contain message text composed to show in the message box.
CString strMsgBoxMessage;
// Next line of code gets grid cell in the grid. The RUNTIME_CLASS( CExtGridCellCheckBox ) parameter will be used
// for initializing check box cell only if there is no grid cell object initialized yet at the (xx,yy) location.
CExtGridCell * pCell = m_wndGrid.GridCellGet( xx, yy, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS( CExtGridCellCheckBox ) );
// Next line of code formats the beginning part of text to display in message box.
strMsgBoxMessage->Format( _T("The grid cell at (column=%d,row=%d) is the object of the %s class type."), xx, yy, str->GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName );
// If the grid cell is really the check box grid cell, then append additional sentence to the message box text.
// Please note, we used the DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST preprocessor function – not STATIC_DOWNCAST
CExtGridCellCheckBox *pDataCellC = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellCheckBox, pCell );
if( pDataCellC != NULL )
strMsgBoxMessage += _T("\r\nIt’s really the check box cell and its checked state is ");
if( pDataCellC->GetCheck() != 0 )
strMsgBoxMessage += _T("ON");
strMsgBoxMessage += _T("OFF");
strMsgBoxMessage += _T(".");
// Finally, display the message box.
::AfxMessageBox( LPCTSTR(strMsgBoxMessage) );