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tera tera
Jul 21, 2009 - 7:28 PM
Hello. I maximize Window with a RibbonBar sample.
I execute DirectX or Direct3D in a full-screen mode.
At the time of the full screen end , Maximization of Window of the RibbonBar sample is canceled.
This phenomenon reproduces even XP-Japan and Vista-Japan
I write a reproduction method of the malfunction.
(1), I start RibbonBar.exe.
(2), I maximize Window.
(3), I execute DirectX or Direct3D in a full screen.
A full screen example program ( )
(4), Malfunction occurs. Give my best regards
Technical Support
Jul 22, 2009 - 12:47 PM
Does not occur. Did you try to update your video card drivers?
tera tera
Aug 4, 2009 - 8:28 PM
I prepared for reproduction environment.
1, Please push the button which a red arrow is shown
2, Please execute screen saver several times
It reappears.
About the Remove environment,
I e-mail it individually.