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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Automatically linking problem Collapse All
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Wang Hui Qing Jul 18, 2008 - 2:57 AM

Dear Tech Support,


Our project is ANSI, in the main program project (e.g. Main_Program) it will be automatically linked with profuis283n.lib. However, for one of the dll (e.g. Config.dll) which is used by main program, one of the Config projects file includes stdafx.h from Main_Program. When we build Config.dll, it shows "automatically linking profuis283m.lib". Character Set in vs2005 project property is "Not Set"for both Main_Program and Config. When I run Main_Program, only profuis283n.dll will be loaded. However, to get project cobuild success, you must include both profuis283m.lib and profuis283n.lib.

Although I don’t see any problem for the moment, but it make me wondering how this automatic linking works for Prof-UIS.

Technical Support Jul 18, 2008 - 6:58 AM

Automatic linking feature is provided by Visual C++ compiler and linker. This is not the feature of Prof-UIS/MFC. Prof-UIS header files simply use appropriate #pragma directives. These directives inform Visual C++ about additional LIB files to link with your compiled modules (EXE or DLL) when Prof-UIS.h file is included into your project.

One StdAfx.h file can be theoretically used by more than one project. But we do not recommend you to do this because you will have difficulties with relative includes. Besides, different project are typically always require different sets of include files.

Modern software is Unicode - not ANSI and not MBCS. Successful software is very international and, of course, Unicode. Modern Windows OS versions are Unicode. Most of modern software will not run at all or run with problems on Windows 95 / 98 / ME which are not Unicode systems. You can use ANSI for developing for some embedded or mobile platforms, simple phones, portable game devices etc. We do not see any reasons to use ANSI in Windows OS related development.