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Wilhelm Falkner
May 12, 2012 - 8:21 AM
Hi, when real working with BackstageView, the programm is crashing in CExtRichContentScrollWnd::OnRcsAnalyzeMouseClickEvent (Line 10536 of ExtScrollWnd.cpp V2.93). This happens when doning a real action. e.g. having a command "Open File". When opening the file, the crash happens. It crash, if I make the BSV invisable or not. What I tried is to modify Your code by checking again, if _ht_item.m_pRCI is valid. But I’m not sure, if this is the right solution. Can You please advise? TIA Willi
Technical Support
May 23, 2012 - 11:45 AM
We reproduced this issue. Thank you. To fix it please update the source code for the following method:
bool CExtRichContentScrollWnd::OnRcsAnalyzeMouseClickEvent(
UINT nRepCnt, // 0 - button up, 1 - single click, 2 - double click, 3 - post single click & begin editing
UINT nFlags, // mouse event flags
CPoint point // mouse pointer in client coordinates
if( m_nMouseActivateCode == MA_ACTIVATE && ::GetFocus() != m_hWnd )
CExtRichContentLayout * pRCL = RcsLayoutGet();
CExtRichContentItem * pRootRCI = ( pRCL->m_listHeap.GetCount() > 0 ) ? pRCL->m_listHeap.GetHead() : NULL;
if( pRootRCI == NULL )
return true;
if( nChar != VK_LBUTTON )
return true;
CExtRichContentHitTestInfo htInfoPressed( point + OnSwGetScrollPos(), *pRCL );
if( nRepCnt == 1
&& htInfoPressed.m_listHtBranch.GetCount() > 0
&& ( ( htInfoPressed.m_listHtBranch.GetTail().m_dwHtFlags & (__ERCHT_ON_ANY_SCROLL_BAR|__ERCHT_ON_SB_DISABLED) ) != 0 )
OnRcsAnalyzeScrollBarMouseClickEvent( htInfoPressed );
return true;
bool bQuickReStyleMode = ( ( RcsGetStyle() & __EXT_RCS_QUICK_RESTYLE_MODE ) ) ? true : false;
bool bRecalcPassed = false;
// if( m_htInfoPressed == htInfoPressed )
// return true;
CList < CExtRichContentHitTestInfo::ht_item_t, CExtRichContentHitTestInfo::ht_item_t & > & _listHtBranch =
( nRepCnt == 1 ) ? htInfoPressed.m_listHtBranch : m_htInfoPressed.m_listHtBranch;
POSITION pos = _listHtBranch.GetHeadPosition();
bool bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = false;
CExtRichContentItem * pRCI_LastSupportingPressed = NULL;
CExtRichStyleDescription::pseudo_class_def_t statesFocusOnly;
statesFocusOnly.m_eynFocus = CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_yes;
CExtRichStyleDescription::pseudo_class_def_t statesPressedOnly;
statesPressedOnly.m_eynPressed = CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_yes;
CExtRichContentItem * pRCI_next_focus = NULL, * pResetStyleRCI;
for( pResetStyleRCI = NULL; pos != NULL; )
CExtRichContentHitTestInfo::ht_item_t & _ht_item = _listHtBranch.GetNext( pos );
if( nRepCnt == 0 || nRepCnt == 2 )
_ht_item.m_pRCI->RciEvent_OnPressedLeave( nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, m_htInfoPressed, htInfoPressed, m_hWnd );
_ht_item.m_pRCI->ResetElementStateInfo( statesPressedOnly, CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_unspecified );
if( _ht_item.m_pRCI->HaveAffectedCssPseudoClasses( statesPressedOnly ) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
pResetStyleRCI = _ht_item.m_pRCI;
else if( nRepCnt == 1 )
_ht_item.m_pRCI->RciEvent_OnPressedEnter( nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, m_htInfoPressed, htInfoPressed, m_hWnd );
_ht_item.m_pRCI->ResetElementStateInfo( statesPressedOnly, CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_yes );
if( _ht_item.m_pRCI->HaveAffectedCssPseudoClasses( statesPressedOnly ) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
pResetStyleRCI = _ht_item.m_pRCI;
if( _ht_item.m_pRCI->HaveAffectedCssPseudoClasses( statesPressedOnly ) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
pRCI_LastSupportingPressed = _ht_item.m_pRCI;
pResetStyleRCI = _ht_item.m_pRCI;
if( _ht_item.m_pRCI->HaveAffectedCssPseudoClasses( statesFocusOnly ) )
pRCI_next_focus = _ht_item.m_pRCI;
} // for( pResetStyleRCI = NULL; pos != NULL; )
if( pResetStyleRCI != NULL )
OnRcsResetElementStyle( pResetStyleRCI );
if( bHaveElementsWithResetStyles )
OnSwInvalidate( m_bRedrawErase );
bool bRecalc = false;
if( nRepCnt == 0 || nRepCnt == 2 )
bRecalc = true;
m_bPressedTracking = false;
m_bProcessingCancelMode = true;
if( ::GetCapture() == m_hWnd )
m_bProcessingCancelMode = false;
if( m_nVkPressed == nChar && pRCI_LastSupportingPressed != NULL && pRCI_LastSupportingPressed->CalcEffectiveRect().PtInRect( point ) )
POSITION pos = _listHtBranch.GetHeadPosition();
for( pResetStyleRCI = NULL; pos != NULL; )
CExtRichContentHitTestInfo::ht_item_t & _ht_item = _listHtBranch.GetNext( pos );
HWND hWndOwn = m_hWnd;
bool bOwnWindowVisible_Old = ( ( ( ::__EXT_MFC_GetWindowLong( hWndOwn, GWL_STYLE ) ) & WS_VISIBLE ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
if( nRepCnt == 0 )
_ht_item.m_pRCI->RciEvent_OnClick( nChar, nFlags, m_htInfoPressed, htInfoPressed, m_hWnd );
else if( nRepCnt == 2 )
_ht_item.m_pRCI->RciEvent_OnDoubleClick( nChar, nFlags, m_htInfoPressed, htInfoPressed, m_hWnd );
if( ! ::IsWindow(hWndOwn) )
return true;
bool bOwnWindowVisible_New = ( ( ( ::__EXT_MFC_GetWindowLong( hWndOwn, GWL_STYLE ) ) & WS_VISIBLE ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
if( bOwnWindowVisible_Old != bOwnWindowVisible_New )
return true;
if( _ht_item.m_pRCI->HaveAffectedCssPseudoClasses( statesFocusOnly ) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
pResetStyleRCI = _ht_item.m_pRCI;
} // for( pResetStyleRCI = NULL; pos != NULL; )
if( pResetStyleRCI != NULL )
OnRcsResetElementStyle( pResetStyleRCI );
if( pRCI_next_focus != NULL && LPVOID(pRCI_next_focus) != LPVOID(m_pRCI_focus) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
// BEGIN // temporarily solution, reset hovered state to avoid incorrect inheritance from parent element inside OnRcsResetElementStates()
if( ! m_htInfoHover.IsEmpty() )
CExtRichStyleDescription::pseudo_class_def_t statesHoverOnly;
statesHoverOnly.m_eynHover = CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_yes;
OnRcsResetElementStates( pRootRCI, statesHoverOnly, CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_unspecified );
// END // temporarily solution, reset hovered state to avoid incorrect inheritance from parent element inside OnRcsResetElementStates()
CExtRichContentItem * pOldFocusRCI = m_pRCI_focus;
if( m_pRCI_focus != NULL )
m_pRCI_focus->RciEvent_OnFocusLeave( m_hWnd, pRCI_next_focus );
if( OnRcsResetElementStates( m_pRCI_focus, statesFocusOnly, CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_unspecified ) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
m_pRCI_focus = pRCI_next_focus;
m_pRCI_focus->RciEvent_OnFocusEnter( m_hWnd, pOldFocusRCI );
OnSwInvalidate( m_bRedrawErase );
if( OnRcsResetElementStates( m_pRCI_focus, statesFocusOnly, CExtRichStyleDescription::e_ui_yn_yes ) )
bHaveElementsWithResetStyles = true;
bRecalcPassed = true;
if( ! bQuickReStyleMode )
OnSwRecalcLayout( true );
} // if( pRCI_next_focus != NULL && LPVOID(pRCI_next_focus) != LPVOID(m_pRCI_focus) )
} // if( m_nVkPressed == nChar && pRCI_LastSupportingPressed != NULL && pRCI_LastSupportingPressed->CalcEffectiveRect().PtInRect( point ) )
OnRcsAnalyzeMouseMoveEvent( nFlags, point );
} // if( nRepCnt == 0 || nRepCnt == 2 )
else if( nRepCnt == 1 )
if( ! bHaveElementsWithResetStyles )
return true;
bRecalc = true;
m_bPressedTracking = true;
m_nVkPressed = nChar;
m_htInfoPressed = htInfoPressed;
if( htInfoPressed.IsEmpty() )
if( ::GetCapture() == m_hWnd )
if( ::GetCapture() != m_hWnd )
::SetCapture( m_hWnd );
} // else if( nRepCnt == 1 )
if( bRecalc )
if( ! bQuickReStyleMode )
if( ! bRecalcPassed )
OnSwRecalcLayout( true );
OnSwInvalidate( m_bRedrawErase );
return true;
Wilhelm Falkner
May 23, 2012 - 12:36 PM
It now working Many tanks for Your support Willi
Wilhelm Falkner
May 16, 2012 - 3:49 AM
In OnCmdMsg of my MainFrame I call for some Commands, invoked by BSV, the sequence: if ( ((nID == ID_FILE_OPEN) ||
(nID == ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW) || // Print page preview
((nID >= ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1) && (nID <= ID_FILE_MRU_FILE16)) || // Recent File open
((nID >= ID_BV_OPEN_ALL_TYPES) && (nID <= ID_BV_OPEN_EXTRA_LAST)) || // Open special Type of file
((nID >= ID_BV_NEW_DOC_00) && (nID <= (ID_BV_NEW_DOC_00 + (UINT)theApp.m_pSaveValues->m_templateListNew.GetCount() + 1))) // Create New
&& (nCode == CN_COMMAND) && (pExtra == NULL) ) {
if (m_wndRibbonBar.BackstageView_IsVisible()) {
} But the crash happend also, if I don’t call it. It also happens, if I close the BSV by clicking with the mouse
Technical Support
May 16, 2012 - 3:00 AM
You wrote "It crash, if I make the BSV invisable". Which code did you invoke for that and where?