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Ashley Gullen
Jan 7, 2009 - 4:39 PM
Hi, We recently upgraded from Prof-UIS 2.83 to 2.84. There appears to be a bug. When you change a combo box item in a property grid (CExtGridCellDropListComboBox), CExtPropertyGridCtrl::OnPgcInputComplete is not called. This has broken all combo box items in the property grid in our application. This code was calling & working fine in 2.83. Any chance of a workaround or fix here?
Technical Support
Jan 8, 2009 - 10:12 AM
Thank you for reporting the bug. Here is the bug fix: bool CExtGridCellComboBox::OnPopupListBoxSelEndOK(
CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
CExtGridCell::TrackCellStateInfo_t & _tcsi
ASSERT( (&_tcsi.m_cell) == this );
ASSERT_VALID( (&wndListBox) );
ASSERT_VALID( (&_tcsi.m_wndGrid) );
_tcsi.m_nItemNoSelEndOK = wndListBox.GetCurSel();
_tcsi.m_bHelperSelChanged = true;
if( (wndListBox.GetStyle()&LBS_HASSTRINGS) != 0 )
LONG nItemCount = wndListBox.GetCount();
if( nItemCount > 0L )
LONG nCurSel = wndListBox.GetCurSel();
if( 0L <= nCurSel && nCurSel < nItemCount )
SetCurSel( nCurSel );
CString strSelLbText;
wndListBox.GetText( nCurSel, strSelLbText );
DWORD dwStyleEx = GetStyleEx();
bool bDoNotSendSelEndOkOnEqualText = ( ( dwStyleEx & __EGCS_EX_DO_NOT_NOTIFY_LB_SEL_FOR_EQUAL_TEXT ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
if( bDoNotSendSelEndOkOnEqualText )
CExtSafeString strCurrentText;
TextGet( strCurrentText );
if( strCurrentText == LPCTSTR(strSelLbText) )
return false;
TextSet( LPCTSTR(strSelLbText) );
_tcsi.m_wndGrid.OnGridCellInputComplete( *this, _tcsi.m_nColNo, _tcsi.m_nRowNo, _tcsi.m_nColType, _tcsi.m_nRowType, wndListBox.GetSafeHwnd() );
} // if( 0L <= nCurSel && nCurSel < nItemCount )
} // if( nItemCount > 0L )
} // if( (wndListBox.GetStyle()&LBS_HASSTRINGS) != 0 )
return false;
We are sorry for the inconvenience.