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marc uchida
Jun 23, 2008 - 5:56 PM
I was having a problem with my tabbed tool bar. The OnUpdates did not seem to be called for the first page of my tabbed tool bar. Buttons here were not getting their state updated. I think I found the problem in the code for CExtTabbedToolControlBar::OnUpdateCmdUI(). void CExtTabbedToolControlBar::OnUpdateCmdUI(
CFrameWnd * pTarget,
BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler
CExtTabPageContainerWnd * pWndTabPageContainer = GetTabPageContainer();
if( pWndTabPageContainer == NULL )
LONG nSel = pWndTabPageContainer->PageSelectionGet();
if( nSel <= 0 )
return; etc... I believe the check for nSel should be "if( nSel < 0 )" as page 0 should be valid as the first page. What do you folks think about this? regards
Technical Support
Jun 24, 2008 - 4:35 AM
Thank you for reporting this typo. It is now fixed in the source code.