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tera tera
Aug 5, 2009 - 12:21 AM
Hello. Assert occurs when I operate a combo box in the following procedure. (1),You operate a combo box. (2),You push the cancel button. (3),Assert occurs.
tera tera
Aug 5, 2009 - 12:24 AM
Technical Support
Aug 5, 2009 - 10:35 AM
Thank you for reporting this issue. To fix it, please update the source code for the CExtComboBoxBase::~CExtComboBoxBase() method: CExtComboBoxBase::~CExtComboBoxBase()
CExtAnimationSite * pAcAS = AnimationClient_SiteGet();
if( pAcAS != NULL )
pAcAS->AnimationSite_ClientRemove( this );
if( m_pWndPopupListBox != NULL )
m_pWndPopupListBox->m_pCB = NULL;
if( m_pPopupListWnd != NULL )
delete m_pPopupListWnd;
m_pPopupListWnd = NULL;