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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtComboBox having Auto Complete behavior Collapse All
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Jay Horak Aug 25, 2015 - 2:14 PM

I am using CExtComboBox with only text strings entries. Customers love the ability to press the first letter of a list entry and jump to the first entry in the list with a letter match (I.e., pressing ’a’ takes you to the first entry with an ’a’ as its first character).

With this version of the control I somehow lost that native ability to do that (yes it did with MFC controls). I researched and found something on using SORT as setting in the control and that behavior is native. That didn’t work so maybe that’s only relative to MFC controls. I see some discussions of overriding the PretranslateMsg() but before I reproduce a built-in behavior I want to know that I am not missing something.

Thank you.

Art Wilkes Nov 5, 2015 - 9:40 AM

We are looking at this currently
Prof-UIS Support