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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtControlBar Questions Collapse All
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Paul Marley Jan 15, 2009 - 10:05 AM

I have created a MDI application in VS2005 and using Prof-UIS v.2.8.4. The application creates a CExtControlBar control and a MFC dialog with the CExtControlBar as it’s parent window. The control works as expected except when the dialog has the focus it will no longer "auto hide." Is there a reason for that? Also, the auto hide process isn’t as smooth as I would expect it. Is there a timing parameter that can be changed to help this?


Technical Support Jan 15, 2009 - 2:02 PM

If the auto-hidden window displayed from the auto-hide tabs is displayed and it’s focused or some its child window is focused, the it should not become hidden even if mouse is moved outside it. At least control bars in the Visual Studio .NET, Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 works like we described. The following static properties of the CExtControlBar class allow you to configure auto-hiding animation:

   bool CExtControlBar::g_bDisableAutoHideAnimationExpanding = false;
            bool CExtControlBar::g_bDisableAutoHideAnimationCollapsing = false;
            INT CExtControlBar::g_nAutoHideAnimationStepCount = 5;
            INT CExtControlBar::g_nAutoHideAnimationStepTime = 10;