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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtControlBar with CExtNCSB )crashes Collapse All
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Mitsuhiko Yamada Jun 18, 2008 - 3:30 AM

Dear Support


I want to stick CMyWnd (class CMyWnd: public CExtNCSB <CWnd>) on CExtControlBar.

CExtControlBar crashes in Focus.

Some kind of container such as CExtTabPageContainerWnd is necessary.

Is not there any good method?




Technical Support Jun 18, 2008 - 3:03 PM

We suppose you have a m_wndBar control bar and a m_wndInBarEdit scrollable window in your main frame class:

class CMainFrame : . . .
. . .
      CExtControlBar m_wndBar;
      CExtEdit m_wndInBarEdit;
. . .
You should do the following two steps in order to skin the scroll bars of the m_wndInBarEdit window:

1) Apply the CExtNCSB template class:
      CExtNCSB < CExtEdit > m_wndInBarEdit;
2) Put the following code into the constructor of main frame:
      : m_wndInBarEdit( true, true ) // THIS LINE WAS ADDED
      . . .