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Offer Har
Jun 17, 2008 - 12:40 PM
I reported this a while ago, if you have a combo-box cell with colored items, and you do this: 1) Select and Item. 2) Click on another window, so the grid will lose focus. The item in the cell is not colored - it is black. If you leave the focus within the grid it is colored correctly.
Technical Support
Jun 19, 2008 - 5:38 AM
It’s not completely clear how to reproduce this bug. Would you send us some screenshots? Please note the difference between the two cases is that in first case the cell doesn’t lose focus. In the second case the focus moves to the other cell. So the coloring modes work in the different ways.
Offer Har
Jun 24, 2008 - 9:52 AM
Can you please confirm this bug?
Offer Har
Jun 19, 2008 - 5:55 AM
Dear Support, If the grid has focus or not, the color of the cells should remain the same. This is a bug that I reported a while ago. Let me explain again: 1) Create a dialog with a grid and an button (don’t implement any handler to the button - this is dummy button). 2) Create a CExtGridCellComboBox . 3) Add items to it, each one with a different color using SetItemTextColor . 4) Run the application 5) Select an item in the cell’s combo-box drop list (the colored item should appear in the cell) 6) click on the dummy button. What you will see is that the combo-box lost its color. if you don’t do step 6, the color remains. The bug is when the grid loses its focus, and the focus cell is a cell mentioned.