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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtGridCellHeaderFilter question Collapse All
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Offer Har Jan 1, 2009 - 8:27 PM

I have a grid that has a date-time field.

I need the ’Text Filter’ sub-menu to contain only two options - After Date and Before Date, and that the edit box will be a date-time control and not edit-box. I also need to change the text of the sub-menu from ’Text Filter’ to ’Range Filter’

Is this possible? for me these requirements are a must, and if they are not implemented I’ll have to re-code all the filtering myself, which seems pitty, as the mechanism is already there.



Technical Support Jan 2, 2009 - 3:08 PM

We can regard your question a feature request. The text filter sub menu contains text based filtering options only without care about real data type.

Offer Har Jan 2, 2009 - 3:14 PM

For me this is a must-have

Is there any way for me to get this going ASAP? If I won’t have it this month I will have to go in another path...

If this is impossible, can you please explain how to implement the following:

1) Adding the icon on the right side of the header cell, that when clicked opens a menu

2) Adding a sub-menu will a check list-box as in the Value filter.

3) How to add an edit-box and  date-time control into a menu item.

