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Offer Har
Jun 30, 2008 - 6:17 AM
If the value of the in place is bigger then the max value of the slider, the handle is drawn outside the cell. In a regular slider this cannot happen - it should be clamped to the max value. Same goes for values smaller then 0. Please fix, Ron.
Technical Support
Jun 30, 2008 - 12:59 PM
Thank you for reporting this issue. You can fix it in the following way. Find the following code at beginning of the CExtGridCellInplaceSlider::OnCalcSliderLayout() method: ULONG nScrollPos = ScrollPosGet();
ULONG nScrollPageSize = ScrollPageSizeGet();
ULONG nScrollTotalRange = ScrollTotalRangeGet();
ULONG nScrollLimit = ScrollLimitGet(); And insert the following code immediately after it: if( nScrollPos < 0 )
nScrollPos = 0;
if( nScrollPos > nScrollLimit )
nScrollPos = nScrollLimit;
Offer Har
Jun 30, 2008 - 1:02 PM
Hello support! You’re alive Been looking for you for a looong time... Thanks for the fix.