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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtGridWnd column sort compare function Collapse All
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Dominic Tioseco Aug 13, 2019 - 5:34 PM

This is about CExtGridWnd. I’ve been reading your support posts and answers about sorting columns.
I want to know if there is a ’compare’ method we can override or supply to control the way a column is sorted -- much like how a predicate can be passed in the C++ standard algorithm ’sort’ to define a rule how comparisons execute.
Is there such a way? What I see so far is only to sort in ascending/descending and in combination with other columns.
Thanks in advance

TSELLC Support Mar 27, 2020 - 3:32 AM

You can implement your own grid cell class and override CExtGridCell::CompareEx virtual method to have your custom algorithm.

TSELLC Support