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Alastair Watts
Aug 9, 2010 - 4:19 AM
I’ve assigned an icon to a CExtLabel which is in a CExtStatusControlBar. The background of the CExtLabel is drawn in a solid colour, rather than the gradient it should be.
Technical Support
Aug 9, 2010 - 9:38 AM
The CExtLablel control supports themed background mode in two cases:
1) The text label.
2) Enhanced image mode. This is the text mode label with the bitmap assigned via the CExtLabel::SetBitmapEx() API.
All the other modes are themed for on-dialog labels only:
void CExtLabel::OnPaint()
DWORD dwWndStyle = GetStyle();
DWORD dwWndType = (dwWndStyle&SS_TYPEMASK);
if( dwWndType == SS_BLACKRECT
|| dwWndType == SS_GRAYRECT
|| dwWndType == SS_WHITERECT
|| dwWndType == SS_BLACKFRAME
|| dwWndType == SS_GRAYFRAME
|| dwWndType == SS_WHITEFRAME
|| dwWndType == SS_USERITEM
|| dwWndType == SS_OWNERDRAW
|| dwWndType == SS_BITMAP
|| dwWndType == SS_ENHMETAFILE
|| dwWndType == SS_ETCHEDHORZ
|| dwWndType == SS_ETCHEDVERT
|| dwWndType == SS_ETCHEDFRAME
. . .
You can assign icons directly to status panes instead of creating controls inside the status bar: CExtStatusControlBar & statusBar = . . .
INT nPaneIndex = . . .
HICON hIcon = . . .
CStatusBarCtrl & _ctrl = statusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl();
_ctrl.SendMessage( SB_SETICON, WPARAM(nPaneIndex), LPARAM(hIcon) );
Please let us know more details of your task so we can help you.