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tera tera
Mar 30, 2009 - 9:02 PM
Hello. I do not understand CExtNCW how to use.
Please teach a merit to use CExtNCW .
Technical Support
Apr 2, 2009 - 5:14 AM
The CExtNCW template class adds a themed caption and borders to a windows It implements a custom non-client area. Of course, the non client area is themed only if the currently installed paint manager supports this feature.
Technical Support
Mar 31, 2009 - 10:37 AM
The CExtNCW class is a template decorator class. So, if you have the main frame or dialog declared as follows:
class CMainFrameOrDialog : public CExtNCW < CBaseFrameOrDialog >
. . .
Then you should replace it with the code like below: class CMainFrameOrDialog : public CBaseFrameOrDialog
. . .
You should also replace the CBaseFrameOrDialog class type with the CExtNCW < CBaseFrameOrDialog > template based type everywhere in all the source code of each method of the CMainFrameOrDialog class included explicit constructor invocations of parent class: CMainFrameOrDialog::CMainFrameOrDialog( . . . some parameters . . . )
: CExtNCW < CBaseFrameOrDialog > ( . . . the same parameters or some other parameters . . . ) // parent class constructor invocation
. . . constructor body . . .
You should leave the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMainFrameOrDialog, CBaseFrameOrDialog ) as is without any changes - this is the single exception.
tera tera
Mar 31, 2009 - 6:45 PM
Hello. Where does a difference of the display occur when I do not use this decoration class?