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Michele Cillo
Jun 16, 2008 - 12:19 PM
I’ve found an annoying bug in CExtResizableDialog. I have a CExtResizableDialog with some controls. One of this control is a button. If I click on this button a new CExtResizableDialog appears (using CExtResizableDialog::DoModal()). If I close this second CExtResizableDialog, I expect the clicked button focused, instead the first control (in tab order) of the first dialog is focused. I have a little test project if you need it. Thanks.
Technical Support
Jun 23, 2008 - 12:52 PM
We fixed this problem finally. You can drop us e-mail to the support mail box at this web site so we will provide you with the source code update.
Michele Cillo
Jun 27, 2008 - 6:21 AM
Sorry for the delay, but I was offiste. I immediately send you an email to tech support address. Thanks for the great work.
Technical Support
Jun 22, 2008 - 1:24 PM
We just want to notify you that this issue is confirmed and we are working on it.