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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtResizableDialog in a CExtSplitterWnd panel Collapse All
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Dominik Braendlin Jan 5, 2010 - 11:55 PM

Dear Tech Support,

I am referring to your “test_splitter_dlg” example from thread “CExtSplitterWnd in a CExtResizableDialog”.

I would like to have two splitter windows. A right and a left. The left splitter would be a list ctrl and the right splitter would be a CExtResizableDialog. So far I failed creating the right splitter dialog window.

Is it possible to use a dialog in a splitter window at all? Do I need some kind of a container class / window to do so. I have found a way to do it with the CExtTabPageContainerWnd class but I don’t need a tabpage window. I only need one dialog in that right splitter part. If yes could you please give an example.



Technical Support Jan 6, 2010 - 9:22 AM