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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtTabMdiWnd problem in 2.83 Collapse All
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Offer Har Jun 16, 2008 - 11:52 AM

Dear Support,

In previous versions, when switching views from the tabs of the CExtTabMdiWnd, the WM_SETFOCUS was called for the view receiving focus and the view losing focus.

In 2.83 the WM_SETFOCUS is not called (If I restore two views, and switch from one to the other by clicking on their title, the WM_SETFOCUS is called as before - the problem is only in CExtTabMdiWnd’s views switching)

Please rectify, as this is a core requirement for out applications, and a lot of our job is done in this function.




Offer Har Jun 17, 2008 - 11:29 AM

More details on this bug:

After the main frame loses focus, and regain it, it start to work:

  1. If I just launch the application, open two views, and click the tabs, on focus events are not caught in the view.

  2. I click on another application, and then com back to my Prof-UIS based application,

  3. Now, when clicking the tabs the focus event is received in the view.

Can you please check this bug? this is preventing us from moving to 2.83



Offer Har Jun 24, 2008 - 10:04 AM

Hello - can you please confirm this bug?