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Roberto Manes
Feb 16, 2009 - 8:06 AM
I did recompile my application with prof-uis 2.83 support (full license) and now all the CExtResizableDialogs, including a CExtTabWnd control, fail during the Create() method. If I recompile the same code with prof-uis 2.60 support everything works. Actually I’m compiling with debug MBCS support , compiler VisualStudio 2005 or VisualStudio 2008.
Technical Support
Feb 16, 2009 - 12:13 PM
Please insert the following lines into the .rc2 file in your project: #if ( !(defined _AFXDLL && !defined __STATPROFUIS_WITH_DLLMFC__) )
#include <Resources/Resource.rc>
#if (!defined PROF_UIS_X64) && (!defined PROF_UIS_IA64) && (!defined PROF_UIS_FORCE_NO_MANIFEST)
1 24 DISCARDABLE "res\\manifest_x86.xml"
The XML manifest files can be found in the res subfolder in any of Prof-UIS sample applications. You can copy them into the res subfolder of your project.
Roberto Manes
Feb 16, 2009 - 8:16 AM
To be a bit more precise I’m using the class CExtTabWidbeyWnd derived from CExtTabWnd.