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Stephane Manier
Oct 27, 2010 - 4:05 AM
Hello, I use a split view with 2 formView. The first contains a CExtTreeGridWnd.
When I set focus with ItemFocusSet function the item is highlighted. But when I click on the second view. The CExtTreeGridWnd loses its focus and then the item loses its highlighting. Is it possible not to lose highlighting? ( I want to keep the highlighting all the time). (I’m using 2.87) BR, Stephane
Technical Support
Oct 27, 2010 - 8:39 AM
You can use the CExtGridBaseWnd::NoHideSelectionSet() method or apply the __EGBS_NO_HIDE_SELECTION style (CExtScrollItemWnd::SiwModifyStyle() ) to make the non-focused tree grid control highlighting selected cells.